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Getting ready for Jerusalema dance

04 March 2021

One of our Support Workers, Megan, called the Children's Home Activity Coordinator and said, "I think I have a great idea for the young people".

And yes, Megan does have a fantastic idea! 

The Jerusalema dance is all over the internet right now with so many different groups of people taking part from police, NHS workers, supermarket workers and many more.  Megan's idea is that we try our harderst to get the individual groups involved at Chailey Heritage Foundation.

Each bungalow in both the Children's Home and Futures and school classes will be asked if they would like to take part and our video expert Kori will put a little bit of each video into one, creating a montage of our young people throughout Chailey Heritage Foundation having fun.

To help everyone, Megan chatted with Edward to let him know what they were doing and together with our Futures Activity Coordinator, Rosie, did a little sample of the basic steps for people to learn and after this, they will hopefully put their own style into it and jazz it up!

We are hoping for some fantastic dancing from everyone!

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