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We Want to Hear Your Views!

07 June 2023

Do you have a child who attends services run by Chailey Heritage Foundation? Are you interested in finding out more about transition to adult services?

We run regular coffee mornings for families of young people offering information, guidance and support, so parents and carers know what to expect and feel able to make informed decisions about the future.

Every session, we choose a different topic related to transition to adult services but we want to hear from you. What would you like to hear more about or are there any sessions you’d like repeated? Here’s a reminder of what we’ve covered in sessions recently:

  • Transfer of therapy services for young people leaving school
  • Post-19 provision at Chailey Heritage Foundation
  • Parents’ experiences of transition to adult services
  • NHS Continuing Care and Continuing Health Care
  • Deputyship and mental capacity

We’d love to hear your feedback so we can keep these events relevant and useful. Please email Paula Marten on paula.marten@chf.org.uk with your suggestions.

Our next transition to adult services coffee morning will be held on Thursday 15th June from 10:30-12:30 via Microsoft Teams and will focus on transfer of therapy services. Please email office@chf.org.uk and we’ll send you an invitation.

Find out more about the upcoming coffee morning.

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