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Students from Roedean School Volunteer with Chailey Heritage

30 November 2022

A group of sixth-form students from Roedean School in East Sussex joined us as part of their Community Action Programme on Wednesday 28th September.

The girls will spend every Wednesday afternoon in Chailey Heritage School, for a 16 week period, learning about the young people and their education, care, and support.

They chose Chailey Heritage from a range of placements, after Richard Green, Deputy Head of the school, gave an introductory presentation at their school, and Paula Marten delivered initial training. They were keen to know more about the Foundation and their enthusiasm has been fantastic to see! 

The teachers who will be working with them in class have lots of ideas for projects in which they can be involved. The girls had a tour of the Foundation and in St. Martins, they were particularly impressed with Anastasia’s roller skating! They didn’t expect to see so much amazing technology and there were a lot of questions from the group about how technology is used to help the young people learn.

At Patchwork Farm, the girls got to watch the tortoises being bathed by two of our young people which was an unexpected treat. It is lovely to be able to share what happens in our amazing school with another quite different school in the same county.

Thank you so much to the students from Roedean who have been creating science experiments, playing games with our young people and more.

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