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Christopher’s New Year Gym Challenge

16 January 2023

Last September, we set Christopher the challenge to complete the distance from Chailey Heritage Foundation to Disneyland Paris using gym equipment and our pool – 521.2 km in total!

Christopher has already completed an incredible 8km in the swimming pool, 14km on the treadmill and 85km on the Innowalk and bike. 

As part of Christopher’s condition, he can struggle to control his blood pressure, body temperature and breathing . Christopher has 3 weekly sessions in the gym and since he has started training regularly, he’s noticed a reduction in his hypothermic episodes which allows him to be able to maintain and control this part of his disability more efficiently.

Christopher commented “I really enjoy the gym because it helps get me fit. I enjoy the challenge because it gives me goals and something to work towards with the maps so that I can see where I am in the challenge”.

Keep going Christopher, you are doing an amazing job!

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